OUr mission

Our Mission for our church and it's members is to Gather Together, Grow in Christ, and to Go Make a Difference!
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The cost is $100 per family, no matter the size of the family. When you register, please list all of those coming with you, along with their age and gender. If you wish to pay out your $100 fee, you may do so through the tithing. Just add "Family Camp" in the memo with the desired amount you wish to pay. Registration will begin on Sunday, August 4th, and will end on Sunday, September 8th.

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Welcome to Still Waters Cowboy Church! We are so glad you chose to worship with us today. If you're a new guest, we'd love to have a record of your visit! Please fill out the form below!

Service Times

Sunday Mornings

8:30 am
10:30 am

wednesday night

MEAL: 5:30 PM