Go therefore and make disciples...

What we believe

Maybe the best way to answer that question is to tell you who are not!


  • Will expect you to be perfect
  • Will judge you for your past
  • Want your money
  • Care about the clothes you wear
  • Make it difficult to come to Jesus Christ
  • Value knowing about Jesus over living like Jesus
  • Will ask you to live like Jesus and not provide the help to do so.


The Bible is the Word of God.
There is one God that exists in three persons; God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit.
Jesus is the Son of God who died to save people from their sins.
People are saved by grace alone through faith in Jesus Christ.
Baptism is the means by which people are to publicly profess their faith in Christ and identify themselves with His death, burial, and resurrection.


We can't not tell people about Jesus.
We're most like Jesus when we give ourselves.
Growing people don't stay the same.
 We're stronger when we do life together.
We can't out-give God.


1.) Simplicity – the church will strive to keep all things it does as simple as possible

2.) Non-Judgmental – the church will foster a non judgmental atmosphere in all it does accepting people just as they are, just as Christ himself does.

3.) Culturally Relevant – the church will make sure that all that it does, including all of its programming and ministries will be geared toward reaching people in the western culture and those who love it.

4.) Elimination of Barriers – the church will do all that it can to lower or eliminate barriers preventing the Gospel of Jesus Christ from reaching the western culture.

5.) Practice of Biblical Christianity – the church will practice biblical Christianity according to Matthew 18:15-17. This will be practiced by the leadership and the congregation.

6.) Power of the Gospel – The church believes in the power of the gospel unto salvation of souls and healing of the body, mind, and spirit.

7.) Empowerment with Accountability – the church will strive to empower as many people as it can to serve Christ through the church and bring out the giftedness in them while holding them accountable for their actions and commitments.

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