SWCC Team List and Information
Here at Still Waters Cowboy Church we understand the importance of being involved in church activities and serving our community! We have created teams who are always looking for new volunteers to continue doing God's work at SWCC! Here is a list of teams and what they do! If you're interested in joining a team, please contact any of the team leaders listed below. They would be glad to serve with you!

From our Pastor about our Teams:
     "Hey guys and gals! If you look around at SWCC, you’ll find a lot of people who are serving. There are currently 18 different teams that are working together to make an impact for the Kingdom of God! Eighteen!
             These people may serve from 15 minutes a week to as much as 20-30 hrs a week. Serving is definitely an important part of who we are as a church. In Matthew 20:28 Jesus said, “For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve others and give his life as a ransom for many.” Following Jesus means serving people. I’m glad we are a church who provides many  opportunities for people to serve and be served.
              With that said, can I ask you a question…. Where are you serving in the church? Yes, I understand your work schedule prevents you from being available very much. And yes, I see that you have little ones to tend to. I also understand that some of you have had a rough go at life here lately and you’re just not emotionally or mentally healthy enough to serve.  I get it. What about the rest of you though? Sometimes we see so many  people doing things that we don’t want to get in the way or we may think that we’re not needed.  But if you’ll take time to read 1 Corinthians 12:12-27 you’ll find that you are at this church for a reason….because the body of Christ needs you!  Yes you!
              I want to encourage those of you who are not currently serving anywhere to find a place on a team where you can   contribute to the Kingdom of God. I’m listing all the different teams we have available and a short description of what that team does. I hope one of those teams will jump off the page at you! Just pray for God to show you where you fit the best. and we’d love for you to get plugged in."
 Matt W. Comer

Our Teams

Student Ministries (Youth and College):

Student Ministries at SWCC are dedicated to teaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ to students in 7th-12th grade (Youth) and 18-22 year olds (College). Our student ministry team wants to love on these students and disciple them, showing them how to live their faith boldly. Youth meets every Wednesday, and occasionally other days of the week. The college team serves the Panola College BSM on Sunday Nights, providing a meal and devotional to college students. If you're interested in serving on the Student Ministries team, please contact our Youth Leader, John Henry Zabcik (903-258-2227)

Children's Team:

Our children's team provides Biblical teaching to children ages 12 and under. As a team member, you would assist teachers on maintaining order in the classrooms, coordinate and hold various children's events where kids are presented the Gospel and encouraged to follow Christ, or teach a class on Wednesday nights or Sunday mornings. If you're interested in joining the children's team as a teacher, substitute, or volunteer, please reach out to Mallan Morris (903 738 3728)

Arena Team:

Our arena team hosts arena events all year round including ropings, barrel races, playdays, buckouts. The Gospel is always presented at these events and people who attend are encouraged to follow Christ in the rodeo lifestyle. If you're interested in volunteering with the arena team, please contact Stormy Shelton (903-692-2453) or Clint Lawhorn (903-754-2564)

Care Team:

The care team provides prayer and encouragement to those are sick and those who have lost loved ones. They may also provide meals to those are sick or those who have experienced a death in the family. If you're interested in joining the care team, please contact Myrita Kruebbe at 903-754-3201.

Chuck Wagon Team:

The chuck wagon team prepares and serves food for the Wednesday night meal, serves donuts and coffee Sunday mornings, and assists in providing meals at various church scheduled events. Contact Diane Akin if you're interested in joining the chuck wagon team. 903-261-9726.

grounds team:

The grounds team takes care of our facilities such as the mowing, road upkeep, and landscaping. if you're interested in serving on the grounds team, contact alex akin at 903-407-5839



Prayer Team:

Our prayer team meets each Monday night at 7 pm for corporate prayer, provides prayer for those in emergency situations through a prayer chain. They also have a group of Prayer Warriors who are available specifically for those in need at any given time. If you're interested in the prayer team, contact Janet Ellis at 903-918-1204

Response Team:

The response team is ready and prepared to keep SWCC safe if any emergency situations arise at any church function or service. If you're interested in the response team, contact Adam Wilson at 903-754-1843

Prepares and serves concession style food for various scheduled arena events. Contact Monte Akin for more information. 903-720-6369.

Facility Team:

Sets up tables and chairs for various church events, empties trash, restocks bathroom items, changes HVAC filters, provides general maintenance for facilities. Contact Joe Cassity for more information! 903-754-8229

Hospitality Team:

Greets each and every person who attends services at SWCC, provides assistance to handicapped or elderly, passes out bulletins, assist new guests with finding way around facility. Contact Bill Peace for more information. 903-694-3050

Mending Fences:

Provides biblical recovery guidance and help to those battling addictions, hurts and hang ups. Contact Wayne Cordray or Beverly Cordray for more information.
Wayne: 903-235-8060
Beverly: 903-806-0115

Men’s Team:

Provides opportunities for men to be encouraged  and grow spiritually through various men’s events, conferences, study groups, or fellowships. Contact Travis Baysinger for more information: 903-263-4743.

Branding Iron Team:

Provides bibles, pens, notepads, etc; also provides items such as clothing, cups, caps, decals, etc promoting SWCC brand. Contact April Mae Smith for more info: 903-690-3605.

Production Team:

Manages the sound and video elements at SWCC services, records and posts messages to the SWCC website, provides oversight of technological elements.

Women’s Team:

Provides opportunities for women to be encouraged and grow spiritually through various women’s events. Conferences, study groups, or fellowships. Contact CRYSTAL CHAPMAN FOR MORE INFORMATION: 903-692-8509.

Worship Team:

Leads and engages congregation in worship through music and singing. Contact OUR WORSHIP PASTOR, COLE PETERSON FOR MORE INFORMATION.